Sick Baby

February 27, 2010

Earlier this week we noticed David was starting to feel really warm, but thought it was either a low-grade teething fever or just because it’s been hot here.  After a couple days it wasn’t getting any better.  His fever had increased and he was starting to act a lot more clingy and lethargic so Gremar checked his ears and confirmed he had an ear infection.  So we started him on antibiotics. We also decided to put him on Malaria medicine.  That was yesterday. Today he seems to be improving, his fever was pretty low all day and he was afebrile last night.  He had a little more energy today, but was still pretty clingy.  We’ve been pretty blessed, he has continued to eat and drink through all this and seems to be getting better with medication.

My boys napping in the rocking chair in front of the fans.

2 Responses to “Sick Baby”

  1. Kathy Tinklenberg Says:

    Dear God, Please bless our little David and restore his health and strength.

  2. Sarah Druffel Says:

    He is in my prayers.

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